
The new man
140x100 cm
Concert for Anna
220x190 cm
The kneeling
100x100 cm (private collection)
Maria and Elizabeth
200x150 cm
Les Nouvelles Demoiselles d'Avignon
230x200 cm (private collection)
140x200 cm
Mr Chou is homesick for Shanghai
100x44 cm
140x400 cm (private property)
Girl abroad
67x46 cm (private collection)
Rita Prigmore: forgiveness
110x60 cm (private property)
The prodigal son II
200x170 cm
Family of Mankind
200x140 cm
"...forgotten peoples' weariness..."
("Ganz vergessener Völker Müdigkeiten...", poem by Hugo von Hofmannsthal) 150x140 cm
The song
220x330 cm
Time of Easter
120x75 cm (private collection)
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